A passive day lacking any kind of thrill or action. You are likely to focus on money matters and your family. It is certainly not a day for finances so avoid major money transactions and committing for the same. Keep a check on what you speak, for your sharp tongue might land you into a trouble or any kind of controversy. Overall, a not-so-exciting day!
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Reliability, trust and strong determination is what defines Taurus. You are like huge rock which remains undisturbed even in a hail storm. You have a calm & composed temperament with hardly any conflicts with anyone. But when things get out of hand, you do not shy away from hitting back. You are reserved, cautious & tolerant particularly caring for your family. But you can quickly switch gears as and when the situation demands. You have a taste for the expensive stuff that sooths your senses. You feel satisfied and secure by possessing luxurious things. You keep a balanced approach to life. For you a simple job and steady life means more than anything else. You remain grounded to your ideals but this at times makes you stubborn. Adapting to change becomes difficult for you. You are the one who comes up with bright ideas in confusing situations. You are both dependable and loyal in relationships however your inability to adjust may create some problems. You remain diplomatic and patient while dealing with fraudulent people, this works as an asset for you....more
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