People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
What is Relationship Compatibility? Since the dawn of human history, one thing that has kept us all preoccupied and fascinated is the search of a perfect partner. Relationship Compatibility or Astrological compatibility is the term given to the study of two horoscopes in order to assess the possibility of a Love Match. Have you been endlessly falling for obnoxious people, realizing it later, than trying to move on only to repeat the process all over again? Relationship Compatibility can save you all the headache. It can not only be used to assess love matches but also relationship with friends, business partners, and family members.
You can check your relationship compatibility with other Moon Signs. If you do not know your Moon Sign, please click here to find it out instantly.
Now there is no perfect ‘recipe’ to make things right if you are not compatible with a person. There are hundreds and thousands of planetary combinations, some promise harmony while some lead to conflicts. But that is all part of life, in fact, every relationship needs some action to thrive. A calm and consistent relationships only leads to routine and boredom, it always needs an ‘edge’. Thus, there is no such thing as an ‘incompatible match’. Relationship Compatibility is about telling the couples where the weaknesses lie in their relationship, areas that they need to work upon. Astrological remedies also come into play in order to tone down the harmful effects of planetary placements and phases in life.
How is Relationship Compatibility done?
In Vedic Astrology, Relationship Compatibility is judged using the natal charts of two people. In case of love and marriage compatibility, the Ashtkoot System is used to match the ‘Gunas’ of the couple. 36 Gunas are grouped into 8 clusters out of which a minimum of 18 points score is considered satisfactory to take things forward. But it is not just the Kutas system. To assess compatibility, Vedic Astrologers also use the Navamsha and Saptansha chart. These are Sub Divisional Charts exclusive to Vedic Astrology only and offer highly accurate analysis. Vimshottari dasha is also assessed which gives a broader perspective of how and when the life events will unfold for both the partners. Their element, quality, and Moon Sign characteristics are also considered in order to make sure that their temperament is not at odds and it is a true ‘meeting of the minds’, since Moon governs the mind and emotions of a person.
A somewhat slow-moving day for most of your matters. You might be surrounded with thoughts due to some anticipation of an upcoming event, which actually might not even take place. So, do not bother yourself with unnecessary thoughts and worries.... MoreTomorrow Horoscope
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