People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
There are not many women on the planet as resilient, responsible and strong as a Taurus woman in marriage. This woman has many wonderful, admirable qualities.
The Taurus woman loves to do things slowly and steadily. She knows that it is this way she can build solid and more grounded structures. Taurus females are seldom impulsive and risk taking, especially when it comes to their domestic sphere. But that doesn’t imply she is lazy. In fact, she is one woman who wouldn't complain while doing very demanding tasks. She is very hard working and persistent.
Ruled by the planet of beauty and luxury Venus, Taurus females are fond of making their living spaces aesthetically and functionally beautiful. A neat and clean, lovely space can be a real pleasure for a Taurus wife and so will it be for her husband.
This Taurus Woman Personality reading is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free!
The Taurus woman likes simplicity, order and harmony at home. She wants every corner of the house well organized and in perfect shape. She might be very fond of nice scents and fresh air in her home.
Qualities you will love in your Taurus Woman:
The Taurus woman in relationship or marriage makes an extremely faithful and loyal partner. If she loves you, she will stick to you even in the face of extreme difficulties. She can handle financial crises and outside pressures patiently and smartly. Her love and devotion will be stronger than anything else you have encountered.
Traits you wish your Taurus Woman never had:
It is Taurus nature to be open to opposition and criticism, but only to a certain degree. Once unfairly piqued, however, your Taurus love partner can act in an annoyingly stubborn fashion. You will have to deal with her stormy, violent temper that would soon make her gloomy and depressed. She will fight fiercely and get you on your nerves, but still she would not harm you.
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