Taurus Man

Taurus love partner is romantic and affectionate, but not idealistic and unrealistic in love. He will firmly understand the practical, worldly angle to love relationships. This might kill some of your sentimentalism and rosy fantasies if you carry any.

A Taurus man in marriage with you can give you complete stability, safety and security. The Taurus man never looks for a casual love affair. He is always in search for his wife. Ruled by the planet of glamour and beauty Venus, a Taurus husband would enjoy filling your and his life with material comforts of all kinds. A perfect marriage for a Taurus husband is one where he can provide his wife and kids with all the comforts and luxury.

This Taurus Man Personality reading is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free!

Taurus makes an out-and-out family guy who likes repeating the same thing again and again. He doesn’t like unnecessary surprises and sudden changes in routines. He savors subtleties in life. He craves predictability and conventionality. The only caveat to such fixed Taurus nature could be that life would spell boring vibes after some time if you are the kind that likes adventure, thrill and passion.

Qualities you will love in your Taurus Man:

A Taurus man in relationship or marriage will very loyal towards you and devoted towards the relationship. Once he’s settled in with the love of his life, he wants to spend the rest of the life like that. He is one guy for whom the thought of an extra marital affair doesn’t bring excitement, but discomfort instead.

Traits you wish your Taurus Man never had:

Taurus can be stubborn about their opinion and beliefs. In arguments and fights, you could be threatened by his rage and furiousness. You will need a lot of strength and patience to cool him down, once he gets angry.

You may also like Love Marriage Compatibility Report. It is a unique report available in the Vedic Astrology system. It provides the match strength on a scale of 1 to 36.

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