Virgo Horoscope

An inactive day when you may feel that your life has all of a sudden become a bit slow. The thrill and action will be almost missing from your daily routine. Many matters get postponed to some other day as you lie like a dormant seed. Your mind will be flooded with thoughts for no reason. However, planning will yield better results than actual action today as your grey cells are working hard to entertain your thoughts.

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  Planet Chaturthi upto 06:13 PM
  Yoga Vyaghata upto 11:36 AM
  Nakshatra Bharani upto 12:36 AM
  Rahukala 09:11 AM to 10:43 AM » Read More

Astrology Planner (21-09-2024)

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  • Business deals

    Unfavourable day for business through out. Stick to routine activity only.

  • Love & relationships

    Not a good day. Chances of confrontations and hyper reactions. Wait till tomorrow.

  • Money transactions (Loans/Investments)

    Unfavourable day stick to routine activity only.

  • Speculation in stocks & shares

    Not favorable. Chances of losses in investment made today.

  • Important letters or email communication

    Not suitable as there could be increase in aggression.

  • Journey

    Not a favourable day to commence any kind of activity.

  • Purchase of new house/ car

    Not auspicious.

  • Moving into new house

    Inauspicious day throughout.

  • Gambling

    Not favorable. Chances of losses.

  • Start new medicine /surgery

    Not a favourable day for both the activities. Surgery could be difficult

  • Initiating legal proceedings /notices

    Unfavourable throughout except to initiate criminal action.

  • Offensive action involving violence or aggression.

    Good for all kind of offensive action throughout.

  • Construction/Building activity

    Unfavourable day throughout.

  • Educational activity /admissions

    Not a favourable day at all.

  • Commence religious ceremonies

    Good only for sacrifices and penance, otherwise stick to routine activity.

Today's Planetary Positions

- Fairfield, US
Planet Position Rashi Star
Ascendent 20° 22' 11" Leo P.Phalguni
Sun 4° 46' 13" Vir U.Phalguni
Moon 22° 4' 14" Ari Bharani
Mars 15° 29' 27" Gem Ardra
Mercury 26° 48' 48" Leo U.Phalguni
Jupiter 26° 36' 44" Tau Mrigasira
Venus 3° 48' 45" Lib Chitra
Saturn(R) 20° 49' 23" Aqu P.Bhadrapada
Rahu 12° 25' 57" Pis U.Bhadrapada
Ketu 12° 25' 57" Vir Hasta
Uranus(R) 2° 53' 28" Tau Krittika
Neptune(R) 4° 18' 3" Pis U.Bhadrapada
Pluto(R) 5° 32' 12" Cap U.Asadha

Virgo Astrology Guide

Purity and logic is what defines Virgo. You like staying behind the scene allowing your actions to do the talking. You make your way rather than going on the path decided by others. A thinker who takes wise calls, you are quite particular about details. You remain grounded and focus on the realities of life rather than retreating to some imaginary world. You are seen as someone who could give logical advice and true aspects of life. You are more of a “mind over heart” person. However this should not be applied to relationships as it could hurt emotions and feelings. You like going by the book, changing & adapting as per your free will so it is difficult to deceive you. Your logical thinking allows you to see the different aspects of situations. Temperament & patience are your biggest assets but you may get attracted towards money & power occasionally. Sometimes logic weighs more than emotions in your life. Sound knowledge while judging situations makes you stand out from the crowd....more

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