Which Service to Order!

Basis the experience of our expert - Pt. Onkar Nath, we are recommending products
& services under the below broad categories:


  • Detailed Horoscope Reading

    An indepth study of your birth chart will predict your future in great detail. This will not just give you peace of mind by removing the elements of uncertainty from your future, but will also help you prepare ahead of the low periods and leverage the good phases in the coming years.» more

    USD 49 / Rs.3430Order Now
  • Detailed Life Reading

    Detailed Life Reading is a comprehensive, in depth and a very detailed life reading available. It offers your 'complete life account' & a very descriptive analysis of your birth chart.» more

    USD 55 / Rs.3300Order Now
  • Composite Astrology Reading

    It scans your life & provides visibility for the next 20 years. It may throw up some unexpected or life changing events and paints the 'Big Picture' for you. This is the most detailed and significant astrology report you could ask for.» more

    USD 199 / Rs.11940Order Now
  • Muhurtha

    Starting a key event on a Vedic Muhurtha has the ‘destiny changing’ powers. A Vedic Astrologer can come up with the auspicious timing of starting an event, ensuring the outcome and success of the event.» more

    USD 39 / Rs.2340Order Now
  • Urgent Questions

    Your urgent questions are answered on a priority by our Vedic Experts. Take this popular service for peace of mind on your pressing issues. » more

    USD 25 / Rs.1500Order Now
  • Specific Matter Consultation

    Specific Matters Consultation Services has been devised for such personal problems for which you want to seek an immediate solution but do not know how to resolve them. Vedic Astrology can provide answers to each & every of your pressing issues.» more

    USD 20 / Rs.1200Order Now
  • Unknown Birth Time!

    Our expert Vedic Astrologer can reverse engineer your Birth Time by calculating on the basis of the date of the occurrences of 5 specific event in your life. It will give you precise time of your birth.» more

    USD 59 / Rs.3540Order Now
  • Varshphal - Annual Birthday Horoscope

    Varshphal or the analysis of your life for the next 12 months starting from your Birth date is important & significant for planning your next one year.And this reading can foretell how your year is going to be!» more

    USD 49 / Rs.2940Order Now
  • Yoga & Raj Yoga Analysis

    This report will decode all the Yogas, the planetary combinations forming in your birth chart, bestowing you with special benefits and the timing of their manifestation.» more

    USD 59 / Rs.3540Order Now


  • Find My Love Match

    If you are in relation with the person of your dreams - the special someone who fits into your definition of soulmate, your relationship is bound to be a happy one.» more

    USD 39 / Rs.2340Order Now
  • Marriage Astrology Report

    Know about your relationships Doshas affecting married life Favourable periods for marriage Reasons for delay in marriage » more

    USD 39 / Rs.2340Order Now
  • What Will My Life Partner Be Like?

    Who can be the perfect match for me? Will I have love or arranged marriage? How will be my life partner like? » more

    USD 49 / Rs.2940Order Now
  • Love /marriage Live Consultation With Astrologer

    Online Consultation with Vedic Astrologer Get accurate marriage astrology predictions 100% Confidentiality Assured » more

    USD 50 / Rs.3000Order Now
  • Relationship Analysis Report

    Do you know if your relationship is healthy? Assess your relationship based on factors like trust, security, conflict resolution, mental & physical compatibility » more

    USD 30 / Rs.1800Order Now
  • Love Catrography Report

    When will you find your life partner? Where to find your soulmate? Will your life partner from hometown or another location? » more

    USD 59 / Rs.2940Order Now
  • Love Transit Report

    Uncover the astrological relation between love life and the celestial stars Know how the love patterns in your life change as per the transit of Jupiter, Venus and Moon in birth chart » more

    USD 39 / Rs.2340Order Now


  • Astrological Remedies

    Are problems in life hampering your growth? Vedic Yantras can help you achieve power, wealth and prosperity with Vedic Yantras Tantras - the science of cosmic principle - can dispel the evil obstructions from your lives and enhance the positive aura Wear Gemstones to reduce the effect of problems caused by the malefic planet in your horoscope » more

    USD 39 / Rs.2340Order Now
  • Vedic Mantra

    Know the power of Vedic Mantras Find most powerful Vedic hymns that can transform your life Achieve higher inner strength and peace through Vedic Mantras » more

  • Gemstone Report

    Well-known as ‘the change agents’ for good times, Gemstones can bring in good luck in your life Get astrological gemstone recommendations online based on your horoscope » more

    USD 30 / Rs.1800Order Now
  • Live Chat With Pt. Onkar Nath

    Feeling stressed due to financial crisis, slow career growth, marital discord or health problems? Let Pt. Onkar Nath scan your Chart and prescribe practical remedies to better your life situation Book an appointment today for personalized horoscope readings » more

    USD 50 / Rs.3000Order Now


  • Career Consultation With Pt. Onkar Nath

    Keen to make a change in your career - talk to our Vedic astrologer One-to-one chat with our astrology expert A personal discussion wherein you can discuss career related problems & get astrological solutions » more

    USD 50 / Rs.3000Order Now

    D10 or Dasamsa Chart reading would provide you with an indepth understanding of potential of your career. Would foresee any upsets or roadblocks in future and the periods of rise... » more

    USD / Rs.Order Now
  • Career Analysis Report

    Career Analysis provides the areas of work which can take you to great heights in your career. The methods and the Vedic solutions along with the period of growth... » more

    USD 49 / Rs.2940Order Now
  • Career Transit Reading

    Career transit reading helps you map the important moves of your career with the favourable periods granted by planets for optimum success. It guides you into when to take the risk and when to lie low in your career to sail through the trouble period... » more

    USD 19.99 / Rs.1200Order Now
  • Career Planner Report

    Being in the right line of work can optimize your level of success and achievements. Find out what's your true calling and plan your career for most success... » more

    USD 59 / Rs.3540Order Now
  • Finacial Status & Wealth Combination

    The Financial Status & Wealth Combination Report is a very detailed report that can help predict  your wealth accumulation potential.» more

    USD 39 / Rs.2340Order Now
  • Business Partnership Analysis Report

    If you are into a partnership business or forging a new partnership, Business Partnership Analysis Report can help foresee the future of such a partnership & its resultant effect on business.» more

    USD 49 / Rs.2940Order Now
  • Career Cartography Reading

    Need a little career direction? Need help navigating your career? Identify the location, direction or the place which can produce amazing results and can alter your destiny » more

    USD 59 / Rs.3540Order Now


  • Progeny Prospects Reading

    An astrology report devised for couples who want to, but are unable to conceive a baby for any reason Get answers about your progeny prospects » more

    USD 49 / Rs.2940Order Now
  • Child Astrology Report

    Plan and alleviate your anxiety over your child’s future Get complete account of the life of your child and what destiny has in store for him » more

    USD 49 / Rs.2940Order Now
  • Birth Time Selection

    Know  the most auspicious date & timing for the birth of your baby Favorable period for child birth so that it brings loads of luck and fortune in family » more

    USD 59 / Rs.3540Order Now
  • Phone Call With Astrologer

    Get personalized predictions on phone by our expert astrologers Book an online appointment today and get instant astrological solutions » more

    USD 50 / Rs.3000Order Now