Significant gains and unexpected income might surprise you today. You will be overjoyed and will take time to let the feeling sink in. However, you will be in a philanthropic mood today. So, you dive into your philosophical thoughts and enjoy the swim. Romance and social occasions pour happiness in your life while businessmen/ people in jobs witness a progressive day.
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Like a flowing river or a deep ocean, Aquarius are cool, calm and peace loving individuals. You are reliable and there are hardly any clashes with anyone. You stand for justice, equality & freedom because you are gentle & kind at heart. You strike a right balance between mind & heart. You remain busy due to your varied interests and engagement in humanitarian causes. You have the ability to solve problems of people who are in need. You remain actively involved with people as you are compassionate and like getting social. You remain humble and modest and are not the ones who seek credit or blow their trumpet. You believe in a pure and sinless life. You welcome changes that align with your ideology and thinking. You want freedom in your endeavours and those around you. It would be better if you think before acting with decisions. You remain optimistic & determined and look at the bright side of the things. At times you get so engrossed in helping others and connecting socially that you forget about the domestic front. Ignorance and indifference is something that plagues your relationships and home sometimes....more
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