People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
Aquarius woman is spontaneous, energetic and even unpredictable at times. Love and relationships in her life remain in a rather elusive, hazy department and she dislikes the conventional route to love and marriage. Her sharp, free-spirited and pragmatic mind mostly keeps her away from highs and lows of romantic passion.
Aquarius woman loves connecting with others. She knows the art of making strong bonds of friendship rather well. It is not unusual for her to have a wondrous social circle. Although she would mix well with others, she will be downright loyal to her partner. She hates dishonesty and deceitfulness in relationships. Before giving her heart, she will ensure that you can be trusted. Once she’s sure about this factor, she will not get suspicious on unnecessary things.
This Aquarius Woman Personality reading is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free!
Aquarius woman in relationship doesn’t get attracted with money or the stability it brings to life. She gets impressed with intelligent and innovatory ideas in a man. She wants a husband who can understand and relate with her modernized and unconventional views. She would like you to let her keep her individualism intact after marriage.
As a wife, Aquarius woman is loyal and faithful, but the concept of getting confined in a traditional marriage set up doesn’t appeal to her senses. She will keep away from the passions and intensity of love for as long as possible. She wants enough freedom to chase her strange dreams and pursue her crazy fancies.
Qualities you will love in your Aquarius Woman:
Your Aquarius woman will impress you with her wit, sense of humor and graceful mannerisms in no time. Her presence can be no less than magic. She has a sharp and intellectual bent of mind with revolutionary ideas. Unlike many women, she will not be jealous of your female friends. She will give you freedom to pursue your own interests and have an engaging social network. She trusts her partner and would need a solid evidence to doubt his integrity in marriage.
Traits you wish your Aquarius Woman never had:
Aquarius love partner can remain detached from strong emotions and sentiments very easily. She has the potential to keep a relationship platonic for a really long time, which can be frustrating. She has a very sensitive heart, but most of her feelings are kept private and hidden from the rest of the world. She doesn’t respond well to possessiveness, criticism and prejudices.
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