Virgo Woman

The Virgo woman is gentle and caring, seldom fiery and aggressive in temperament. She might seem very shy, but she is very strong and stable inside. She believes in love of the truest and purest kind, and wouldn’t settle for anything less. Paradoxically, to get that perfect love of her life, she becomes very practical and calculating in her approach.

The Virgo woman in relationship with you will be far less tolerant of your flaws and hypocrisies. She wants an ideal mate and an ideal relationship. To remain in a relationship, she has to get the assurance that the bond is sincere and solid. If her marriage or relationship is imperfect beyond repair, she will strongly cut all ties and search for her one true love somewhere else.

This Virgo Woman Personality reading is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free!

Virgo nature is practical, pragmatic and smart. As a wife, Virgo female likes to do her household job slowly and carefully, and, most importantly, with perfection. She wants a well maintained and ordered house, and catches minutest of errors in things. In this process, she also becomes a worrier. Often, unnecessary details get in over her head.

Qualities you will love in your Virgo Woman:

Your Virgo love partner is very kind, calm and affectionate. She is devoid of emotional drama and wild obsession. She detects flaws quickly, but is reasonable enough. It is not easy to impress her, but once you manage to do that, you will experience wondrous things she offers. You will love your Virgo woman in marriage for the order and structure she would bring to your life. She will also be careful and wise with the finances.

Traits you wish your Virgo Woman never had:

Virgo woman can annoy you with her downright perfection standards at times. You might feel that she is a little too fussy about small details. Sometimes seeing the broader picture is also important, after all. A Virgo wife's criticism might be spot on, but its directness and sharpness can be intimidating and annoying.

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