People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Virgo natives can be described by phrases like 'over fastidious' and 'over analytical' as per Vedic Astrology system. Virgos may go overtly critical of any situation or people. They are fussy about how things should be done and generally aim for perfection, which could also mean doing things their way. They have a great sense of right and wrong and their analytical bent of mind makes them suitable for all jobs that involve analytical approach. They generally are not very easy expressing their love.
Infact they are quite shy to begin with and take some time to open up. But they expect their partner to understand that. They are born cynical and may create a fuss if their routine is disturbed or things don't go as they have planned out. They find contentment in the small things in life like maintaining the files of paid bills etc. They feel they have straightened out all the information in life. Virgos are also the first ones to give out a helping hand, whereas the unhappy Virgos are over critical and complaining.
It is important that they should keep themselves busy with the routine in life or develop a hobby to stay away from such over tendencies. You can refer to Vedic Horoscope with predictions for the finer details and behavioral pattern of a Virgo native.
You might face hardships as the lack of required will power to tackle important issues will leave you disappointed. Your mood might also get distracted. It is a day low on comforts so avoid going to unknown places. You are suggested to drop the idea... MoreTomorrow Horoscope
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