Scorpio Man

Scorpio man is a complicated yet extremely irresistible personality. He takes love and marriage matters very seriously. On the surface, he seems to be immune to your charms. It is not easy to win his heart in the first place. He wants a more-than-perfect mate with a mind, body and soul connection. His idea of love and marriage is not traditional and passe, but, in fact, a bit over idealized and unrealistic.

A Scorpio man in love is filled with deep-seated, complex emotions. He either loves with near madness or hates with bitter vengeance. He doesn’t know and do anything in between. He is an all-or-nothing personality.

Scorpio man has a sharp observation and can detect a lie very easily. If you are not honest with him, he would take like an eternity to forgive you and to trust you again. He also has a very strong intuition and understanding of the human nature.

This Scorpio Man Personality reading is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free!

The Scorpio nature is dark and secretive. He can be self obsessed, brooding and absorbed in dark, negative thoughts sometimes. He does not like socializing that much. He only has a selected few, quality friends. His time and money are too precious to waste on just anybody.

Even after marriage, your Scorpio husband might get a lot of attention from other women, and although he will enjoy the chase and the casual flirtatious advances, he will remain downright loyal to you.

Qualities you will love in your Scorpio Man:

Sex with your Scorpio husband can very passionate, intense and exciting. The Scorpio man in bed is not interested in just physical intimacy. He wants a spiritual union that transcends all boundaries and arenas of consciousness. If he loves you, he will elevate you to the status of a Goddess. He makes a totally devoted and faithful partner once he is committed. He will also be a very responsible father.

Traits you wish your Scorpio Man never had:

Scorpio man in relationship or marriage can be overly and unnecessarily suspicious and jealous. He gets obsessed very fast. He can also very dominant and a power freak. It’s almost impossible to change and control a Scorpio. And then, you will also have to deal with his mysteriously dark and complicated personality.

You may also like Love Marriage Compatibility Report. It is a unique report available in the Vedic Astrology system. It provides the match strength on a scale of 1 to 36.

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