People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
Sagittarius boss could very well be a genius at his work, or a knowledge seeker, if nothing else. So, if you like to learn and enhance your skills, sky is the limit. Not to say that this sky would be entirely bright and sunny, however.
Sagittarius boss is a bit cranky and bizarre sometimes. He has a great sense of humor, which could waver towards the outrageous side very often. His witty remarks and outspokenness might leave you uncomfortable, but nothing is said with a bad intent or out of vindictiveness. In fact, Sagittarius is the most chilled out, casual personality you would have ever met.
This Sagittarius boss horoscope is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click hereto find it out for free!
Sagittarius boss is very active, cheerful and fun loving. He is also imbued with heightened optimism and a general love for life. He also likes to travel a lot. It is not unusual for him to go on frequent business trips and expeditions around the world. He cannot sit idle on one seat and stick to a schedule for a very long time. He feels restless and antsy.
Sagittarius boss might not appear very interested in any personal issues and office controversies. His time is too precious to be wasted on trivial matters. When you discuss your sincere concerns, he might shock you by simply laughing it out. That ways, he might seem unsupportive, unkind and unsympathetic to your problems. That's however not true. And you will realize this sooner or later.
In tough times, Sagittarius boss can boost your morale and uplift your soul through his genuine advice and consolation. He will be rather easy going when it comes to giving you vacations and extra lunch hours.
How to impress a Sagittarius Boss?
Sagittarius boss likes logical discussions and brainy talks. He will appreciate it if your arguments are rational, fair and well justified. It will be good if you are a relaxed personality who doesn’t get offended by his sense of humor.
What can make a Sagittarius Boss angry?
Sagittarius boss can throw cruel remarks on you for your mistakes in public, but nothing is said out of anger or resentment. He has a jovial and sunny personality that’s hard to dampen. He doesn’t like too much emotional drama in the office. So keep your personal problems to yourself. Anything governed by overly emotional judgment is next to incomprehensible to him.
You may also like Career Analysis Reading. It is an intuitive Vedic analysis to understand how your career would shape up in the coming years.
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