Rahu in 8th House

Rahu in 8th House: Usual Effects

This placement of Rahu brings mixed results for you as it is generally regarded as less auspicious. It may orient you towards secretive aspects, make you indulge in such activities and explore career options as a secret agent or intelligence service agent. Keeping secrets will be your best skill. You may not even reveal your inner feelings to others. This placement may also orient you towards black magic and occult sciences; you may like to explore and research on these subjects for deeper knowledge.

8th house is the house of sudden events and accidents; it also governs your inclination towards occult sciences and black magic; signifies your intense desires for sexual activities; and is associated with death and the way a person dies. It also deals with secretive attitudes, hidden facets of a person’s life, tendencies to be secretive; seek a profession related to secrecy.

Rahu in this position gets you immense wealth (including windfall) and a stable financial status. Your new ideas and means of earning money will compliment your inclination towards accumulating wealth. This position makes you innovative in every area of life, your creative skills earn you name and fame; and your out-of-the-box thinking elevates your career.

You may have to face some legal complications in life, however, or may get involved in litigation or some court case that see adverse outcomes and stress. Stay away from confrontations to avoid trouble.

Positive Rahu in 8th House

Brings good financial gains in life; helps you develop powerful contacts and connections with people high up in society, who are also intelligent, well-educated and respected. It nudges you towards research in the field of your choice, where you will do well.

Negative Rahu in 8th House

It may lead you to some secretive and illegal means of earning, that you hide from others. It can get you in some legal complications that bring a bad name to you. You might not have a smooth relationship with your in-laws and there will be differences of opinion. You will experience some stress in your married life.

A few notable sign placements for Rahu in 8th House

  • Rahu Taurus: It blesses you with immense wealth and financial gains; augments your secret sources of income; ushers in sudden profits especially from foreign deals; and enhances your prospects of working in an MNC or in a foreign land that will fetch growth in your professional chart.
  • Rahu Scorpio: You will be drawn towards a career in the occult sciences or some secret service. You will have great skills to handle secrets and secretive things be it documents, information and others. There will be an aura of mystery in your personality.

Some common Yoga positions with Rahu in 8th House

  • Karkotak Kalsarpa Yoga: It forms when Rahu is in the 8th house, Ketu is in the 2nd house and all planets are in the grip of the Rahu-Ketu axis. It may lead you on a spiritual journey, cleansing your inner self; bless you with profound speech that draws people towards you; and render your personality very attractive. But, you may tend to get involved in some bad company, so be careful.
  • Guru Chandal Yoga: It is formed when Rahu combines with Jupiter and brings many obstacles in your path, including difficulties to complete tasks. It may also make you abuse your position for drawing gains. It is said that this yoga carries the curse of your mentor or guru.
  • Grahan Yoga: It is formed when Sun or Moon combines with Rahu. When formed with Sun, it may give you troubles related to the Government – e.g., you may incur losses in government projects or may get involved in litigation. When formed with Moon, it may cause you mental stress and agony.

A few famous people with Rahu in 8th House

  • Lady Diana (Member, British Royal Family): A popular member of the British royal family, she was a global icon for her style and beauty. She was also popular for her charitable deeds and activities. But marriage was stressful and it was publicly portrayed and discussed by the media. Her death was sudden and under the most tragic circumstances.
  • Bradley Cooper (American Actor & Producer): In his early years in the entertainment industry, he faced immense difficulties and struggles, which even made him consider quitting the industry. He struggled with substance addiction, but has stayed away from it since 2004, acknowledging that it would have destroyed his life. Rahu in the 8th house played a big role in making him finally one of the highest paid actors in the world, who has received various accolades, including a British Academy Film Award, two Grammy Awards, six Golden Globe Awards, etc.

Some other notable people with 8th House Rahu

  • Ranbir Kapoor (Indian Actor)
  • Winston Churchill (British Statesman)
  • Smriti Irani (Indian Politician & TV Actor)
  • Sunil Chhetri (Indian Footballer)
  • Ranveer Singh (Indian Actor)
  • Anushka Sharma (Indian Actor)

To get your Natal Rahu Report, visit https://www.indianastrology2000.com/astrology-reports/natal-rahu.php

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