Moon Mahadasha Mars Antardasha

Antar Dasha Interpretation



Effect of the Mars Mahadasha Moon Antardasha


  • A high position and state honor may be received.
  • Ornaments, wealth and jewels may be gained.
  • One will meet friends and receive help and worldly comforts from them.
  • Desire will be fulfilled and there may be auspicious events everyday.
  • Laziness and cough ailment may afflict the body.
  • Acquisition of more kingdom ( promotion to a higher position in government)
  • Gain of perfumes, clothes, construction of reservoirs, shelters for cows, etc.
  • Celebrations of auspicious functions like marriage , etc. happiness to wife and children, good relations with parents.
  • Acquisition of property by the beneficence of the sovereign, success in the desired projects.
  • Since the Moon is waxing, the good effects will be realized in full.
  • Since the Moon is waning, the impact of the effects are reduced to some extent.
  • The effects like death, distress to wife and children loss of lands, wealth and cattle, and danger of a war, etc.

Sun Mahadasha

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Moon Mahadasha

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