People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
As a wife, Capricorn woman in relationship needs a financially stable, smart and sensible partner. She is not fond of unrealistic dreamy relationships and aimless romantic pursuits. Her time is too precious for that. She knows that the most important things that make relationships and marriages work are insurance, reliability and security. Her decisions, in general, are well thought of and solid as rock. She is anything but foolish and fickle minded.
Having a respectable career and a successful professional life are important for a Capricorn wife. She wants to live a life of security where all her needs are met. In such cases, love and marriage often take a backseat. That is, however, not to say that she wouldn’t sacrifice her career if that’s what her family situations demand, because she very well would, even if this makes her suffer on other levels. She is one woman who takes married life a little too seriously.
This Capricorn Woman Personality reading is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free!
The Capricorn woman might not be very confident, extrovert and bold. Seduction and sexiness aren't her favorite techniques. But she is very graceful, polished and well mannered. Capricorn nature is never overly emotional and dramatic. She will remain practical, emotionally stable and sensible even in the most sensitive situations. She is great in learning from mistakes. Unlike many women, she is open to constructive criticism.
Qualities you will love in your Capricorn Woman:
The Capricorn woman in marriage often keeps her own desires and needs behind for the happiness of the family. She is smart, hardworking and capable of achieving toughest goals in life. She also has a huge appetite for physical love and lust.
Traits you wish your Capricorn Woman never had:
Capricorn females are often so fearful of the future that they become worriers before time. Small tensions and anxieties can make them gloomy, depressed and pessimistic.
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