People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
The Cancer woman has a very feminine, modest and even a bit introvert personality. The Cancer woman in marriage makes a very loyal, warm and caring wife. She will let you dominate and take the lead in the partnership. This is one woman who loves to love and obey you with fierce devotion and sincerity.
Security in married life will be of prime importance to her, and she knows extravagant behavior almost always invites risks. It is not uncommon to see Cancer wives saving and valuing money like anything. They will not spend money unnecessarily, and, in fact, would also not like if you waste your own money. Cancer wife would always appreciate your money-making skills. That, however, doesn’t imply that her respect for you will be linked with your fortune.
This Cancer Woman Personality reading is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free!
Cancer wife makes a very caring, devoted and nurturing mother. Home will be her top priority. She will do her best to raise the kids well and keep everything organized and well maintained at home, especially in the kitchen.
Deep down inside, your Cancer woman will have many secret wishes and dreams, often unrealistic and idealized. She doesn’t love to confess and confide her truest and deepest feelings that easily. She is very emotional, romantic and sentimental by nature, and fears rejection and disapproval. She can be lovingly modest and even a bit shy with you.
Qualities you will love in your Cancer Woman:
A Cancer woman in relationship with you will take care of you in good and bad times. She would never fail to impress you with her kind devotion and sincere feelings. When she becomes your wife, your domestic sphere will be well managed by her, rendering true bliss.
Traits you wish your Cancer Woman never had:
Ruled by the moon, Cancer females are overtly sensitive to slightest amount of criticism. Your Cancer love partner would behave in the most bizarre of ways and retreat when you judge her or scold her with blunt remarks. Sometimes you will feel that she gets deeply wounded a little too fast and without a real reason. Once hurt, it will take a hell lot of time for her to be normal again.
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