You will be in a thoughtful mood today. Your mind will be preoccupied with your thoughts ruling your mind. Most of your important tasks and issues get deferred to some other day as your thoughts do not leave you with enough time for actions. Even then, you carry a romantic outlook all through the day. Today, the children could be the focus of your attention.
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Gemini sign in the zodiac represents freedom and chirpy attitude. Gemini wants to talk and communicate with people thus speaking their heart out. You avoid company of people who are reserved & introvert and those who keep secrets. You have a sharp memory and high intellect. There is a child in you and you make friends quickly. You have a dual nature and decision making is one area that you fall victim to. You are restless but a good listener; however you often lack the ability to take important decisions. You have an unpredictable personality & never stick to one particular thing. You adapt to change but this sometimes harms your values and ideals. You are flexible but at the same time you have a tendency to give up too easily instead of fighting it out of tough situations....more
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