Mithuna Rashi


Persons when born in Gemini or Mithuna is rising have a wavering mind, often tall and straight in nature and active in motion, forehead broad, eyes clear and nose, a bit snub. Gemini are active and become experts in mathematical sciences; and mechanical sciences provided Saturn has some strong influence over them. They will be "jack of all trades but master of none". Gemini are vivacious, but liable to be inconstant. They will have sudden nervous breakdowns and must exercise a certain amount of caution in moving with the opposite sex; a habit of self-control must be cultivated. Mind of Gemini will be often conscious of their own faults. Gemini are liable to fraud and deceit will characterize their nature. If evil planets are found in Gemini, trickery and deceit will characterize their nature. Many of these traits can be corrected by training.
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Apr 29
Aries Today's Horoscope
(29 April 2024)

A positive and happy day where personal matters bring the necessary satisfaction. You will be in high spirits and extremely glad to find your personal life hale and hearty. The contentment that your personal life offers today will leave you in all-smiles. It will otherwise be a busy day throughout with lots of work to be done. Romance will be eventful while important work fails to get the attention it deserves. more

Aries Weekly Horoscope
(April 28 to May 28)

Give your partner some breathing room this week. Married folks may experience some tension, but you can get through any challenges. An outside party could cause marital issues, but things will be resolved. You may spend more on yourself, which can lead to money problems, so make a budget and stick to it.

Hasty choices this week will cause you trouble, so get advice before deciding. Not a good week for... more

2024 Aries Astrology

The upcoming year will bring a plethora of opportunities for you to explore your potential. There are ample opportunities with regards to work as well as connections. more