Ashwini Nakshatra

Results Of Being Born in Ashwini Nakshatra Male Female Characteristics and Natives Point

Male Natives of Ashwini Nakshatra

Physical features:

Male born in Ashwini Nakshatra will have a beautiful countenance. His eyes will be bright and large with a broad forehead and a little bigger nose.

Ashwini Male Characteristics and general events:

The native may appear to be very calm and quiet, but capable of getting his work done un-noticed and is more predominant in the case of native born during the period from April 14th to April 28th, when the sun will be transiting his exaltation place in Ashwini and from October 14th to October 28th, when the sun will be transiting his debilitation place in Svati. There is a saying that even Yama, the God of Death, cannot change his adamant attitude. Those born in the Ashwini Nakshatra of other months will have stubbornness in a lesser degree.


He will remain faithful to those who love him and will not hesitate to sacrifice anything for such persons. Ashwini Nakshatra born is the best friend in need, provided others understand him. He keeps his patience even at the time of greatest perils. But it will be a hurricane task to console the native when he goes berserk. He is the best advisor to the persons in agony. But he deeply resents and fears criticism, see suggestions from others, as a frightening attempt at manipulation.

He takes his own time to do any work. Even so, his actions may be slow but well thought. He will not jump upon any matter without examining pros and cons of each item of work. He cannot be easily influenced. Once he carries out an action or work, whether it is good or bad, right or wrong, he will stick to what he has done, come what may.

He is a firm believer of God. But there is no room for religious or other sentiments. He is orthodox but in new style i.e., he believes in modernization of orthodox methods and beliefs.

Even though he is quite intelligent, at times he makes a mountain out of a molehill. This leads him to a state of lack of mental peace and he will always be in a desperate mood. He is always interested in keeping the entire surroundings neat and clean.

Education and sources of earning/profession:

He is jack of all arts. He is generally fond of music and interested in literary pursuits. Period up to his 30th years of age will be full of struggle. He has to face obstacles even for small matters. From the 30th year of age, there will be steady and continuous progress which will continue up to 55 years of age.

One of the predominant features noticed is that he is very stingy, but his expenditure will be more than his income due mainly to his pomp and show. He is inclined to meet his desires and needs at any cost.


Family life:

He loves his family in entire sincerity. However, he is subjected to hatred by his own family members due to his adamant behavior. Affection that was expected and the care that was required cannot be derived from the father of the native. In other words, the natives as also his co-born will be neglected by their father. Whatever help he may derive is only from the side of his maternal uncle. Maximum possible help will come from those who are outside the family circle.

Normally marriage takes place between 26 to 30 years of age. There will be more sons than daughters.

Female Natives of Ashwini Nakshatra

Females born in this Ashwini Nakshatra will have more or less the same general results as mentioned in the case of male natives. In addition, she will have the following results:

Physical features:

Her eyes will be bright and small, resembling to that of a fish. She has a magnetic look.

Ashwini Female Characteristics and general events:

She has the technique of bringing anybody near her with her sweet speech. She maintains utmost patience. She indulges in too many sexual operations. She is pure hearted. Even while living in the modern society she maintains the age-old tradition of respecting elders.

Education, sources of earning/profession:

If employed she may either be not interested in the work after 50 years of age and may quit the job or seek voluntary retirement. It is not a negative point. She may do so, as her financial or other conditions would have improved by her 50th years of age, and she no longer requires any work for her livelihood. She will thereafter devote herself to the welfare of the family and to some extent do social work, provided other planetary positions are not adverse. Administrative type of job (including possibility of Indian Administrative Service for an Indian) is earmarked for her.

Family life:

Normally, marriage takes place between 23 years to 26 years of age. It has been noticed that in case marriage takes place at a young age i.e., before the age of 23 years, such marriage ends either in divorce, separation from the husband for long time or even death of the husband.

There will be more female children than male children. She is quick to respond to the needs and desires of her children to pursue the interest of the children. Whenever time permits, these females do cleaning of the house and household articles and they force others to do the same.


Her health will generally be good. Main cause of her ailments is unnecessary mental worry and anxiety. In some cases, when such worry or anxiety goes beyond control, it has been noticed that brain disorder of mild type takes place at a later stage. She should always be careful while cooking or while handling fire. In the modern society, motor vehicle accidents have also been noticed.
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