Aquarius Daily Horoscope
Moon Sign based

Aquarius Horoscope

A testing day with not much work possible today, reason being the distracted state of your mind. Your mind will be preoccupied with thoughts not allowing you to take actions. Chances of losing money are high so be careful in money related matters. Basically, avoid major money transactions as well as try and reschedule important matters to some other day.

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  Planet Chaturthi upto 06:13 PM
  Yoga Vyaghata upto 11:36 AM
  Nakshatra Bharani upto 12:36 AM
  Rahukala 09:11 AM to 10:43 AM » Read More

Astrology Planner (21-09-2024)

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  • Business deals

    Unfavourable day for business through out. Stick to routine activity only.

  • Love & relationships

    Not a good day. Chances of confrontations and hyper reactions. Wait till tomorrow.

  • Money transactions (Loans/Investments)

    Unfavourable day stick to routine activity only.

  • Speculation in stocks & shares

    Not favorable. Chances of losses in investment made today.

  • Important letters or email communication

    Not suitable as there could be increase in aggression.

  • Journey

    Not a favourable day to commence any kind of activity.

  • Purchase of new house/ car

    Not auspicious.

  • Moving into new house

    Inauspicious day throughout.

  • Gambling

    Not favorable. Chances of losses.

  • Start new medicine /surgery

    Not a favourable day for both the activities. Surgery could be difficult

  • Initiating legal proceedings /notices

    Unfavourable throughout except to initiate criminal action.

  • Offensive action involving violence or aggression.

    Good for all kind of offensive action throughout.

  • Construction/Building activity

    Unfavourable day throughout.

  • Educational activity /admissions

    Not a favourable day at all.

  • Commence religious ceremonies

    Good only for sacrifices and penance, otherwise stick to routine activity.

Today's Planetary Positions

- Fairfield, US
Planet Position Rashi Star
Ascendent 20° 22' 11" Leo P.Phalguni
Sun 4° 46' 13" Vir U.Phalguni
Moon 22° 4' 14" Ari Bharani
Mars 15° 29' 27" Gem Ardra
Mercury 26° 48' 48" Leo U.Phalguni
Jupiter 26° 36' 44" Tau Mrigasira
Venus 3° 48' 45" Lib Chitra
Saturn(R) 20° 49' 23" Aqu P.Bhadrapada
Rahu 12° 25' 57" Pis U.Bhadrapada
Ketu 12° 25' 57" Vir Hasta
Uranus(R) 2° 53' 28" Tau Krittika
Neptune(R) 4° 18' 3" Pis U.Bhadrapada
Pluto(R) 5° 32' 12" Cap U.Asadha

Aquarius Astrology Guide

Like a flowing river or a deep ocean, Aquarius are cool, calm and peace loving individuals. You are reliable and there are hardly any clashes with anyone. You stand for justice, equality & freedom because you are gentle & kind at heart. You strike a right balance between mind & heart. You remain busy due to your varied interests and engagement in humanitarian causes. You have the ability to solve problems of people who are in need. You remain actively involved with people as you are compassionate and like getting social. You remain humble and modest and are not the ones who seek credit or blow their trumpet. You believe in a pure and sinless life. You welcome changes that align with your ideology and thinking. You want freedom in your endeavours and those around you. It would be better if you think before acting with decisions. You remain optimistic & determined and look at the bright side of the things. At times you get so engrossed in helping others and connecting socially that you forget about the domestic front. Ignorance and indifference is something that plagues your relationships and home sometimes....more

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