People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
Ruled by the planet of love and beauty Venus, Libra loves to be in love. Partnership is a natural state for Libra man and Libra woman, and they can hardly remain single and alone for very long. Not very surprisingly, they often fall in love with the idea of love rather than with just a person. They can very sensitive and stupid in love.
Libras have very attractive and charming personalities, and they are soft yet fast in their approach towards finding love. Their eagerness and desperation to fall in love often lands them up in the wrong arms. Over the time, they may learn how to take it slowly to create a more solid, ever lasting bond.
Libra love nature is to seek equality, justice and harmony around them. They seek balance, order and peace in love. They are fond of beauty, elegance and style. Libra love compatibility is achieved when they don’t find competition and conflict within the relationship.
This Libra love horoscope reading is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free!
Your Libra lover partner will spend hours with you, engaging you in a sweet and nice conversation. They are also good listeners and would like to hear your point. If they find you unhappy, they will try to empathize with you. Too much argumentative behavior, however, spoils their mood.
Libra lover partners will charm you and knit a warm, romantic relationship with you. They believe in compromise and making adjustments to keep going the association. The steaming hot intensity and wild passion might be missing from the relationship, however.
What to expect when you are in Love with Libra?
A Libra man in love or a Libra woman in love looks at their love interest as if they have experienced magic. They will relentlessly pursue and impress them with their mannerisms and sophistication. Libra romance is filled with sweetness and sensuality. They are masters of the romantic technique. Expect lots of classic romantic dates and nights when you are in love with Libra.
How’d you know your Libra lover is committed to you?
Libras are very partnership oriented and quick to fall in love, but, strikingly, commitment and marriage aren't that simple for them. Libra love dating and want to enjoy the courtship phase with you for as long as they can, and may even feel shy and not-so-ready for marriage. When they realize, however, that your bond with them is uncomplicated, peaceful and comforting - they will give in. If they are in a relationship with you for a very long time now, there are high chances that this will end into something very concrete. You just don’t have to lose your cool.
You may also like Love Marriage Compatibility Report. It is a unique report available in the Vedic Astrology system. It provides the match strength on a scale of 1 to 36.
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