Your over commitment at work as well as at home could put you under pressure. You might repent on promising more than you can actually do as it will leave you mentally pressurized. You better postpone your important issues to some other day as you might make mistakes due to the excessive pressure. Try and control the worrying thoughts.
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Sagittarius are free spirited, laidback and always on the hunt for some fun. You may at times be sarcastic and have a bubbling sense of humour which lights up any moment. You take the road less travelled and end up doing things in the spur-of-the-moment. You have a longing for outdoor activities. You like to learn not by the book but through your own personal experiences. You remain optimistic and concentrate hard on your goals. You keep a progressive approach towards life with a sense of freedom in everything you do. You are not a person of many faces but put things straightforward. You don’t display truth in glittering wrappers but put it on the table as it is. You are giver at heart who is wise, witty and good learner. Your optimistic approach blesses you with good fortune in life. You are a backpacker than a planner but you like traveling luxurious. You have a bright, warm and comforting personality. You adapt to changes but your quest for the unexplored is somewhat insatiable. You add a pinch of humour to your love life and seek a partner who is more like a friend. You easily get along with others owing to your honesty. Sometimes you don’t have control over your words and this may result in losses....more
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