People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
Your Gemini boss has many personalities, or at the least two. He constantly shifts from one to another, much to your surprise. Do you want to understand him? Well, good luck. But it will get more difficult and confusing as you start trying. In time, you will get used to it, if nothing else.
The mood of your Gemini boss will change like anything. It’s very difficult to understand and cope up with his constantly changing, unpredictable nature. It could be very well possible that he asks you to do something one day and changes his mind about that completely the very next day. You will sooner realize that it is his nature to change and evolve fast. And it can be exciting and fascinating if you see things from an open perspective.
This Gemini Boss Personality reading is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free!
Gemini hates a rigid attitude and traditional ideas. This is one of the reasons why a fixed routine never attracts him. He will be constantly changing things in the office, from furniture to work policies.
Gemini boss will have a lot of new and inspiring ideas, but would be very restless to implement those. He is quick with problem solving and communicating the plans. He will be curious to understand and know the details and techniques of how work is being done.
How to impress a Gemini Boss?
With a Gemini boss, it will be great if you are spontaneous and open to fresh ideas and plans. Good communication skills and some sense of humor can take you to places. Still, there cannot be anything that he will always like and appreciate. His preferences are prone to change without any notice.
What can make a Gemini Boss angry?
Gemini boss has a sharp, logical and rational mind and it is not easy to confuse him by playing with words. He will easily find out what it is there in your mind. He gets irritated with dull people, too much consistency and mundane ideas. You may also like Career Analysis Reading. It is an intuitive Vedic analysis to understand how your career would shape up in the coming years.
Wonderful day for people in business as well as partnerships. Waste no more time and get going with your latest plans for expansion or enter pricey deals—your luck is with you today. Positive developments are possible on all fronts. Be it romance... MoreTomorrow Horoscope
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