Mercury Signs

Planets in Mercury Sign

Mercury in Aries

Evil-minded, middle stature, obstinate, clever, social, great endurance, materialistic tendencies, unscrupulous, wavering mind, antagonistic, fond of speculation, impulsive, greedy, dangerous connections, deceitful, swerving from rectitude.

Mercury in Taurus

High position, well built, clever, logical, mental harmony, many children, liberal, persevering, opinionative, wealthy, practicable, friends among women of eminence, inclination to sensual pleasures, well read, showy.

Mercury in Gemini

Inclination to physical labor, boastful, sweet speech, tall, active, cultured, tactful, dexterous to mothers, indolent, inventive, taste in literature, arts and sciences, winning manners, liable to throat and bronchial troubles, musician, mirthful, studious.

Mercury in Cancer

Witty, likes music, disliked by relations, low stature, speculative, diplomatic, discreet, flexible, restless, sensual though religious, liable to consumption, strong parental love, dislike for chastity.

Mercury in Leo

Few children, wanderer, idiotic, proud, indolent, not fond of women, boastful, orator, good memory, two mothers, poor, early marriage, independent in thinking, impulsive, positive will, remunerative profession, likes traveling.

Mercury in Virgo

Learned, virtuous, liberal, fearless, ingenious, handsome, irritable, refined, subtle, intuitive, sociable, no self-control, morbid imaginations, dyspeptic, difficulties, eloquent, author, priest, astronomer.

Mercury in Libra

Fair complexion, sanguine disposition, inclination to excesses, perceptive faculties, material tendencies, frugal, agreeable, courteous, philosophical, faithful, ceremonial-minded, sociable, discreet.

Mercury in Scorpio

Short, curly hair, incentive to indulgence, liable to disease of the generative organ, general debility, crafty, malicious, selfish, subtle, indiscreet, bold, reckless.

Mercury in Sagittarius

Taste in sciences, respected by polished society, tall, well built, learned, rash, superstitious, vigorous, executive, diplomatic, cunning, just, and capable.

Mercury in Capricorn

Selfless, business tendencies, economical, debtor, inconsistent, low stature, cunning, inventive, active, restless, suspicious, drudging.

Mercury in Aquarius

Middle stature, licentious, proud, quarrelsome frank, sociable, rapid strides in life, famous, scholar, cowardly, weak constitution.

Mercury in Pisces

A dependent, serves others, dexterous, peevish, indolent, petty-minded, respect for goods, and Brahmins.

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Apr 29
Aries Today's Horoscope
(29 April 2024)

A positive and happy day where personal matters bring the necessary satisfaction. You will be in high spirits and extremely glad to find your personal life hale and hearty. The contentment that your personal life offers today will leave you in all-smiles. It will otherwise be a busy day throughout with lots of work to be done. Romance will be eventful while important work fails to get the attention it deserves. more

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