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We have been providing astrology consultation and advice on true Vedic principles on the internet since 2000 and serviced over a million customers with our free and premium services.We have prepared 2016-17 Love and Marriage Horoscope :

Basic Promise for Loving Relationships in your Horoscope:

Your birth ascendant is Sagittarius.
The symbol of the Sagittarius is the Archer. The Sagittarius ruling planet is Jupiter and the element is Fire. Thursdays are said to be lucky days for Sagittarius. Strengths of the Sagittarius include honesty, forthrightness, lightheartedness, intellectualism, and possession of excellent communication skills. Weaknesses of the Sagittarius are sharp tongue, prone to change, restlessness and a flirtatious nature.

Sagittarius has a way with words like no other. They try to come across nice and friendly but normally end up hurting the feelings of others or just downright annoying others. They are not at all gifted with a talent for dishing out compliments. Most often compliments will come out more like insults and any attempts to correct misunderstandings are futile.

Sagittarius is animal lovers and is most always the ones apt to take in homeless and stray animals that no one else would think about touching. They will nurture these outcasts back to health and prove they can be wonderful pets.

Sagittarius is the first ones to try to cheer up friends when they are down. Though they may not be the greatest at this, nonetheless they will try. You may find yourself laughing whether you want to or not in their presence.

Decisions of the heart take Sagittarius some time to make. They fall in love easily, but do not love lightly. A long internal struggle goes on inside the head of a Sagittarius before a decision related to commitment can be arrived at.

Your ruling planet Jupiter is in the tenth house and is in conjunction with Mars and Ketu. The tenth house is the most important house of the horoscope because it is the house of one’s profession, rise in career, government, honors, respect and the dignity achieved by the native. This house basically covers matters related to your career, your karma & the kind of deeds, your authority and name.

Mars is the ruling planet of love. Jupiter conjunct Mars indicates work place compatibility. Love prospects are good with a co-worker and also at an educational institute.

Venus is a natural significant planet which indicates love and harmony in relationships, getting married and physical equation between the couple. Venus is in Sagittarius sign and receives the aspect of malefic planets Mars and Saturn.

Jupiter is a natural significant planet which indicates prosperity, getting married, longevity of married life and progeny. Jupiter is in conjunction with Mars and receives the aspect of malefic planet Saturn. All of these factors cause instability in love and married life.

Basic Promise for Marriage in your Horoscope:

The ruling planet of getting married is Mercury. It is in the eleventh house.
The eleventh house is the house of gains, titles and honors one obtains in his life. Period (period) of the eleventh lord brings wealth, status in society, one gets good position and good results in studies. It also represents the elder brothers and sisters, business profits and financial prospects. Body Part: Left Ear and Legs. This house basically covers matters related to your name-fame, gains and inflows from various sources.

Presence of Mercury in the eleventh house is favorable for these locations of your life. This also indicates much younger looking and prosper spouse.

Marriage prospects will be good through social networking and also in close friend’s circle.


As per your chart you are under the influence of the major and sub-period of Rahu during 3 February 2014-16 October 2016.
Rahu is in the fourth house.
The fourth house basically covers matters related to your parents, domestic harmony and the level of happiness in life. This house is called as “Sukhesh” means the house which gives happiness from all luxuries in house, conveyance, comfortable life and luxuries, domestic happiness, education which gives satisfaction means education of own choice. This house also represents mother, property, home atmosphere, domestic happiness, female family members, parliament, attainment of post, thrown and improvement in the standard of living.  

This period energizes these locations of your life.
You should expect a lively period indeed as new relationships are formed, totally different from anything you have ever experienced. New knowledge, skills, a new job or even a new home may be in store for you. Do not be afraid to take risks, as they will pay off. Socially you may attract a new circle of associates and friends some of whom may be quite unusual.

Romantic alliances can really thrive during this period. You might attract unconventional or unusual lover, who shake you out of old patterns of relating. You will be feeling especially bold and brassy and get deeply enchanted by someone you love. You will be overly trusting and unguarded. This will be more romantic than realistic. Enjoy the high, but don’t make any firm decisions until you get the facts about the person. During this period romance can be magical, but also confusing. You could be more prone to illusion or fantasy when it comes to love. Just don’t show your whole hand immediately, even if you’re convinced this is a soul-mate. Meditate, talk to a friend, do whatever keeps you calm and prevents you from acting in foolish haste. This is suggested during this period your best bet is not to rush into a committed relationship if you’re unsure about someone’s trustworthiness or integrity. As much as you love someone, you need to weigh how well the relationship fits with your greater goals. Do you feel destabilized by this person? Or, on the other hand, is the connection all about practical matters and lacking in passion? You may need more balance. Before you start drafting a wedding invite list, get to know each other a little better. This would not be the time to ditch your sensible ways, not matter how swept up in passion you feel. The matters of the heart require patience and understanding, and haste and inflexibility is best to be avoided. Do get all of the necessary data before responding with a capricious, “yes!”

You will be under the influence of the sub-period of Jupiter during 17 October 2016-12 March 2019.
Jupiter is the ruling planet of the first and fourth house.

The first house represents the physical body, complexion, health, nature of an individual, longevity, the personal development of the person and the character as a whole. This house basically covers matters related to your personality, looks, attitude, temperament and basic strength of your horoscope.
The fourth house basically covers matters related to your parents, domestic harmony and the level of happiness in life. This house is called as “Sukhesh” means the house which gives happiness from all luxuries in house, conveyance, comfortable life and luxuries, domestic happiness, education which gives satisfaction means education of own choice. This house also represents mother, property, home atmosphere, domestic happiness, female family members, parliament, attainment of post, thrown and improvement in the standard of living.  

Jupiter is in the tenth house and is in conjunction with Mars and Ketu.
The tenth house is the most important house of the horoscope because it is the house of one’s profession, rise in career, government, honors, respect and the dignity achieved by the native. This house basically covers matters related to your career, your karma & the kind of deeds, your authority and name.

This period will be favorable for these locations of your life.
Career prospects will be good during this period. You will be in excellent spirits for most of the time which will make everyone around you comfortable. Any problem that you might have been facing in your personal or professional life will finally be resolved thanks to a favourable position of the planets. You shall experience thrilling events in your professional and romantic spheres. Another good thing is that you will taste success in your career, which shall give you the confidence to put forward your views in front of your bosses without hesitation. They will be thoroughly impressed with your performance.

Jupiter is a natural significant planet for getting married and child birth. As per the forthcoming sub-sub-period of planets marriage prospects will be good during 16 October 2016-31 October 2017.


January 2016:
This month brings mixed results in your love life. Relationship will grow with love and mutual understanding. Strong, matured and healthy relationship can be one of the best supports in your life. This is the time to recognize what’s important to your partner. Pay attention to what makes your partner happy, interests, and be careful not to take actions that will restrict that happiness. Knowing what is truly important to your partner can go a long way towards building goodwill and an atmosphere of compromise. It’s equally important for your partner to recognize your wants and for you to state clearly.

February 2016:
This month is favorable for spending time with each other. However, you may not feel quite satisfied with your partner. You may assume that your partner has a pretty good idea of what you are thinking and what you need. Remember your partner is not a mind reader. While your partner may have some idea, it is much healthier to directly express your needs to avoid any confusion. Getting in the habit of expressing your needs helps you weather difficult times, which otherwise may lead to increasing resentment, misunderstanding, and anger. You are advised to follow a more reconciliatory approach, where you don’t clash with your partner.

March 2016:
This month brings mixed results. Healthy relationships are built on give and take. If you expect to get what you want 100% of a time in a relationship, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Healthy relationships are built on compromise, and it takes work on each person’s part to make sure that there is a reasonable exchange. During this month you might find yourself getting a little obsessive. If things have gotten a little complicated in your love life, you need to listen to each other without interrupting or taking things personally. With lots of patience, you can get to the other side of a sticking point now. This is the time to really connect on a deeper level instead of getting swept away by good looks and charm. The root of improved relationship will be inner-confidence, contentment, and balance of mind.

April 2016:
You will be busy in your personal and professional commitments during this month. With long work hours and busy social schedules, alone time with a significant other isn’t as easy to come by as most of us would like. But, as the saying goes, quality, not quantity, is what’s important. You may wanting spend time with your partner and that is wonderful. There are several different ways you can spend time accompanying each other. Go out with your partner and enjoy a good movie or a shopping mall. When you get home, spend time with your partner enjoying a nice meal or even a board game.

May 2016:
This month will be favorable for growth in career. With long work hours and busy social schedules, alone time with a significant other isn’t as easy to come by as most of us would like. But, as the saying goes, quality, not quantity, is what’s important. You won’t be able to devote a set amount of time to focus on each other, but text your loved one little joke and funny things that happen through the course of the day, and she does the same. This constant sense of being on the other person's mind really keeps us connected.

June 2016:
During this month you shall be dealing with some challenges and changes in your professional life. Your career and social life continue to keep you busy, barely leaving time for romance. While it can be tough at times, with the right boundaries and direct communication, you’ll both become closer in the end. It’s possible that you or your romantic partner could be kept apart due to work or family obligations. Fortunately, Skype and other video chat options are plentiful make this happen.

July 2016:
This month is favorable for love. This is a great time to flirt, plan a few memorable dates, and go all out on the pleasure, glamour and affection.
Declare your love for your companion in a sweet, respectful and comprehensive way. You will be able to take short trips and spend loving moments with a loved one. There will also be opportunities to get closer and more committed than you’ve been—to really experience being “as one” with the person you love.

August 2016:
A loving relationship will have qualities of love, balance and freedom. You both will express your feelings and ideas and share what you have learned through a variety of experience in life. It is best to let go negative feelings about relationships and situations gone by.

September 2016:
For your relationship to be and remain juicy and wonderful, like every living thing, it must be fed and fueled. After you take care of yourself, your relationship deserves to be your next priority, since it is the very relational foundation on which all that all else lies. It needs to be tended to, nurtured and revitalized to keep romance alive and evolving. Small steps, like holding hands and making eye contact, are easy to overlook in the face of busy schedules and responsibilities, but they can be key to keeping your love life exciting. Your love relationship can get closer while you share time and activities to keep the relationship thriving. This is the time to express your love and spill your most loving thoughts. Commit to spending quality time together on a regular basis. Even during very busy and stressful times, a few minutes of really sharing and connecting can help keep bonds strong.

October 2016:
This month is good for romance to be flourishing and your feelings are expanded. You should enjoy and delve into your emotional and artistic outlets. You will be in the mood for a vacation fling, parties, fun dates, or moving around with a loved one. A flirtation could turn into a full-scale affair. Traveling together or finding other ways to expand and grow as a couple is the key of a successful relationship.

November 2016:
This month brings love, romance and excitement. Use this month to discuss those hidden feelings and fears that are blocking you both from taking things to the next level. This is the perfect time to surrender, give it up and let it go. Picture yourself releasing your past pain to helpful guides, white light, or whatever image offers a sense of relief. It's never too late to make a change. What happened in the past is not very important--it's the future you're eyeing now. It’s possible to create/make a relationship that’s both stable and exciting at once.

December 2016:
This is an exceptional month overall for romance and affair. You will be in the mood for a vacation fling, parties, fun dates and moving around with a loved one. Spontaneous playfulness, singing, dancing, or lovemaking may add zest to your time together. Music and movement open you up. You are at your best to express yourself. So make use of this harmonious time and enjoy the placid level of love.